I bought this salt lamp a couple of months ago now and I’m still just as in love with it as when I first saw it (so much so I’ve already added a second one to my collection!). I love the fact that it looks so rough and natural while still adding that pop of millennial pink to the room. When I was younger I was obsessed (and still am) with gemstones and crystals; I still remember getting so excited when I discovered a couple of naturally-occurring rose quartz stones in our rose garden! Even though these lamps are made of Himalayan pink rock salt, they still remind me of those beautiful rocks and the magic they seemed to hold.

Himalayan pink salt is rumoured to have a lot of health benefits, both in terms of eating it and in the form of lamps/candle holders. Although I haven’t noticed any change personally, the light it gives off does help to calm and relax me in general and the warm, cosy glow it gives to the room in the evenings guarantees a great night in!

My lamps stay on 24/7 as recommended. Keeping them on is supposed to ensure that no water puddles form around the lamp when it is off (as salt draws moisture from the air) and to make the bulb last longer. The lamp heats up over time until it becomes warm and this is when it is supposed to release those ‘health benefits’.

 For the first 4 or so months I only turned my lamp on when I was at home and mostly only in the evenings. The bulb burnt out in this time which I was surprised at as I had got the lamp so recently. Since then, I’ve just left them on to see if the bulb lasts longer without the surges of power that come with turning the lamps on and off (so far, so good). I never noticed any water forming around the lamps when they were off and, no matter how long they are on for, they only ever get slightly warm which lowers the risk of them being a fire hazard.

As the salt the lamps are made of is naturally occurring, salt rock lamps come in varying sizes, shapes and colours. The colours can range from a light, whitish-pink tinge to a deep orangey-pink one. I bought one of my lamps in store and the other one online; I was very happy with both but if you are picky about the shade or shape you’d like, it would be best to buy it in store as you can make sure it’s in a colour and shape you like.  

Lamps available at Wellness Warehouse and Faithful to Nature.
Faithful to Nature also sells the replacement light bulbs (good to buy a few back-ups).


  1. Lovely post ... I also adore my salt lamp!!!!!!!!

  2. Love the blog and the post! I look forward to more!


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