» bohemian life » boho home design + decor » nontraditional living » elements of bohemia »
Source: Pinterest

I’m a big fan of Mr Price Home, like, a real big fan. Every time I go into a store or have a browse online (one of my preferred procrastination methods tbh) I walk away with a massive mental wish list of all the things I’d love to buy. I tend to gravitate towards items that I don’t really need, things like scatter cushions and candles
(they’ve brought out a whole lot of scented candles lately, worth checking out if you’re a scented candle hoarder like some people I know
 (obviously the person I’m referring to is me, no need to be coy we’re all friends here, right?)),
 then there are the throws, random décor items, fake plants
(kinda feel like I’m cheating on my real plant babies but, you know, I’m just LOOKING),
 and so on, you get the drift. My theory is that by putting these items into a wish list it will prevent me from putting them into my basket instead (it’s still in the experimental phase).

So as a result, I decided to round up the items I’m loving at the mo into a fancy collage, not too fancy though ‘cause it’s really hard to find a free decent collage making program so I had to make do with the basic crop feature and the white parts around each item really annoy me but let’s just move on we can’t all be perfect okay so here it is don’t judge my collage making skills we all start somewhere, just look at the collage already, geez, let’s not dwell on imperfections people

Clockwise: 1(no longer online), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 

Clockwise: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

As you can see I’ve picked items that have a bohemian, slightly Moroccan feel to them. I really love that kind of style at the moment – it just creates an environment that is calm and relaxing. The different textures and patterns of the cushions add some interest and colour to the room while the neutral, woven fabric of the rug, the basket and the plant pot bring in that  natural element. The plants add that much needed greenery and life while the darker metals of the lantern, lamp and candle holder provide variety in the materials used. On second thought, I may just nip into MrP Home myself - those cushions and that basket are calling my name…

Let me know if you like these kinds of wish list posts! If you do, I can also do more of different styles, different rooms, clothes etc. I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe found some homeware inspo or pieces that you’d like to add to a wish list of your own. See you next time!



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